Thursday, February 14, 2008

My first post...

This is my first post here. I love travelling & meeting new people and I wish to dedicate this blog to share about those different places & people I have met in my life. I'll be using my new Nokia N95 (This phone rocks!) to post images & videos to this blog.

This image below is taken in my present location of stay, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Tamilnadu government had launched a new AIR CONDITIONED bus service between many important points in city. People who have stayed in Chennai for a period of time say, Chennai has three different types of climate... HOT, HOTTER, HOTTEST. Going by their view and my personal view on the climate condition, as the summer season is about to begin, the timing of this kind of service launch is appropriate and a blessing for the commuters in Chennai. This image shows the inside view of a bus which I travelled between Thiruvanmiyur and Chennai central railway station.